Rhian Symes
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Original paintings in watercolour
Limited and open edition prints

The pictures you are about to see are painted in watercolour in bright colours in an original style.

I use the reflection the animal, flower or wild fowl make in the water.
The water colour reflects the surrounding such as trees, buildings, sky ,boats, people and flowers.
My idea comes from not only look at the wild animal or bird but also its watery surroundings creating the whole enviroment as part of the picture
I hope you like what you see
Next time you vist a canal, lake or river take a look at the colours reflecting in the water then you can start to see what I see. This is what I use to create my art work.

Rhian Symes

Artist of the year 2013
I have been shortlisted for Artist of the year by Artist and Illustrators.
My watercolour painting of Otters called Otters in sapphire and gold water details gallery no 1
The watercolour painting was exhibited in the Mall galleries in January 2014

Watercolour Awards
Otter branching out and In harmony with the water
both watercolour paintings have watercolour AWARDS from the 2013. The national exhibition of wildlife.. I hope to exhibit again this year 2014

I am pleased my image of otters has been used for the Royal Watercolour Society event should be a good night

Crickhowell Open Art Competition
I am please to announce I have been shortlisted with Watercolour painting Otters in spring and jewelled water

Crickhowell Open Studio's brochure. OPEN STUDIOS ON SRPING BANK HOLIDAY 24th-26th MAY. brochure's available now from Oriel Cric gallery,ring 01873 811970 or visit Oriel Cric gallery Crickhowell

My information in the Open Studios brochure

Dinner for one
Watercolour otter painting was awarded Highly Commended in the Wildlife Art Society International annual exhibition which was held in Nature in Art
My award was give to me by Pollyanna Pickering.
Otters on a sinking branch
two otters on a sinking branch watercolour this is the largest otter painting I have painted its 22x29 inches
Reflection in profusion
white water lily with Freddy the frog and friends watercolour










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